Surface Workbench/zh

Surface workbench icon


The Surface Workbench provides tools to create and modify simple NURBS surfaces. These tools have a similar functionality to the Part Builder tool when the Face from edges option is used. However, unlike that tool, the tools of the Surface Workbench are parametric and provide additional options. In this respect, the tools in this workbench are similar to PartDesign AdditiveLoft and PartDesign AdditivePipe.

Some of the features provided are:


The Surface Workbench intends to create faces with shapes, which is not possible to do with the standard tools in other workbenches.

Surface created with sketches placed in datum planes with the tools of the PartDesign Workbench

The Surface Workbench integrates with other workbenches of FreeCAD. The above example was created from Sketches placed on PartDesign Datum planes in the PartDesign Workbench. The design can be fully parametric if all datum planes and sketches are defined accordingly. In most cases it is sufficient to draw a closed sketch to define the boundary of a face, and then use different options to further modify its shape.

The generated surface cannot be placed inside a PartDesign Body. However, the generated surface can be contained inside a Std Part together with the associated PartDesign Body that holds the datum planes and sketches. The non-parametric Part Builder tool can then be used in order to create a shell and finally a solid.
